Adjustments to GCE Coursework Submission Deadlines and Exam Dates for Advanced Level H3 Subjects
1. Singapore Examinations and Assessment Board (SEAB) recognises that the full Home-Based Learning (HBL), which has been implemented from 8 April to 4 May 2020, will have certain implications on students taking GCE-Level coursework and GCE A- Level H3 subjects taught by Autonomous Universities (AUs). Therefore, SEAB will be making some adjustments in these two areas, to ensure that students are fairly assessed.
2. There are 34 GCE N(T)-, N(A)-, O- and A-Level subjects that have a coursework component as part of the national examination framework.
3. Most of the coursework cannot be done at home due to the need for face-to-face teacher supervision or the use of school facilities and equipment - for instance, the use of studios for Music, food laboratories for Food and Nutrition, studios for Design and Technology, and sports equipment and facilities for Exercise and Sports Science.
4. Given HBL’s impact on coursework, SEAB will apply three methods to ensure that the assessment remains fair and accurate:
Extend the national submission deadline by two weeks, where possible. The extension takes into consideration about two weeks of curriculum time that could be recovered with the cancellation of the schools’ mid-year examinations, and that any extension of deadline should not overlap with the school preliminary examinations and national examinations. The extension will give students more time to complete the coursework and help reduce the anxiety of students and teachers.
SEAB will also consider adjusting the task requirements where appropriate - for example by reducing the number of assessment tasks, as long as such adjustments do not compromise the validity of assessment.
SEAB will also accept evidence of learning from the schools and apply special consideration in grading the candidates in these coursework subjects.
5. There are 12 GCE-Level subjects which will have their coursework submission deadlines extended by two weeks. (Please see Annex A).
6. For 10 GCE-Level subjects, their coursework submission deadlines cannot be extended as their submission deadlines are very close to school preliminary examinations or year-end national examinations. (Please see Annex B). The submission deadlines for the remaining 12 GCE A-Level subjects, for which the coursework components can be carried out independently through research and independent study, will remain.
7. In the event that full HBL is extended and that coursework national submission deadlines cannot be further extended without overlapping with school preliminary examinations, students should submit the coursework that they have so far completed. SEAB has established processes to ensure that these students will still be fairly assessed.
8. The national examinations for GCE A-Level H3 subjects that are taught by the local Autonomous Universities (AUs) will be rescheduled to take place only after the end of the full HBL period:
H3 AU-Taught Programme |
Original Examination Dates |
New Examination Date |
New Examination Timing |
SMU Game Theory |
25 April 2020 |
28 May 2020 |
2:00 to 5:00 PM |
NUS Geopolitics: Geographies of War and Peace |
30 April 2020 |
2:00 to 4:00 PM |
NTU Semiconductor Physics and Devices |
11 May 2020 |
2:00 to 4:30 PM |
NTU Molecular Biology |
12 May 2020 |
2:00 to 4:30 PM |
9. The national examinations for these H3 programmes will be decentralised at the students’ respective junior colleges and Millennia Institute. The schools will implement the necessary precautionary measures to ensure the safety and well-being of all students and examination personnel.
10. SEAB will continue to work closely with schools to provide guidance to students on examination matters. As previously mentioned, current plans are that all national examinations, including the mid-year GCE O- and A-Level Mother Tongue Language examinations in June, will proceed as scheduled, since these are essential milestones for students in their educational journey. If any changes are required, given the fluidity of the current COVID-19 situation, we will certainly provide timely updates.
Annex A
GCE-Level Coursework Subjects With Submission Deadline Extended
S/N |
Level |
Subject Name |
1 |
N(T) |
Art (Revised) |
2 |
N(T) |
Elements of Business Skills |
3 |
N(T) |
Food Studies |
4 |
N(T) |
Design & Technology (Revised) |
5 |
N(A) |
Food & Nutrition |
6 |
N(A) |
Design & Technology (Revised) |
7 |
O |
Exercise and Sports Science |
8 |
O |
Design & Technology (Revised) |
9 |
O |
Food & Nutrition |
10 |
O |
Electronics |
11 |
O |
Drama |
12 |
A |
H2 Theatre Studies and Drama |
Annex B
GCE-Level Coursework Subjects Without Extension in Submission Deadline
S/N |
Level |
Subject Name |
1 |
N(T) |
Music Syllabus T |
2 |
N(A) |
Design & Technology (Legacy syllabus) |
3 |
N(A) |
Art Syllabus A |
4 |
O |
Design & Technology (Legacy syllabus) |
5 |
O |
Music |
6 |
O |
Higher Music |
7 |
O |
Art |
8 |
O |
Higher Art |
9 |
A |
H2 Art |
10 |
A |
H2 Music |