9 March 2018 | Media Replies 2018
We thank Ms Lye Meng Ling for her letter on the management of pre-enlistees
and enlistees affected by the theft of the A-level Chemistry exam scripts
(“Could SAF give time off to soldiers resitting Chemistry exam?”).
The Ministry of Defence (MINDEF) and the Singapore Examinations and Assessment
Board have worked together to ensure that suitable arrangements are in
place for those who wish to take the re-examination. Pre-enlistees such
as Ms Lye’s son who are due to enlist for full-time National Service (NS)
before or in April will be deferred to take the April re-examination. For
those who have already enlisted and wish to take the re-examination, they
may be disrupted from full-time NS to prepare for and take the re-examination
in April, and re-enlist thereafter. Should they wish to continue with their
full-time NS and still take the re-examination, they will be granted time-off
or leave, subject to exigencies of service.
MINDEF is in contact with affected candidates to check on their preferences
regarding the re-examination. They can also call the NS hotline at 1800-3676767
should they require more information.
Lee Chung Wei (Mr)
Director Manpower
Ministry of Defence
Selena Yeo (Ms)
Director, Corporate Services
Singapore Examinations and Assessment Board