Press Releases

Release of 2020 Singapore-Cambridge GCE A-Level Examination Results on 19 February 2021

10 February 2021

1. The results of the 2020 Singapore-Cambridge General Certificate of Education Advanced Level (GCE A-Level) examination will be released on Friday, 19 February 2021, 2.30pm.

Results Release for School Candidates

2. Given the COVID-19 situation, arrangements have been made for school candidates to receive their results from their respective schools – in their individual classrooms instead of gathering as a cohort – from 2.30pm on 19 February 2021. Only school candidates collecting their results will be allowed entry into the school premises, and they will be expected to observe the Safe Management Measures (SMMs) in place.

3. School candidates who are unwell, on Quarantine Order, Stay-Home Notice or Leave of Absence on the day of the results release should not return to school to collect their results. Instead, they may view their results online via Singapore Examinations and Assessment Board’s (SEAB) results release system at from 3.15pm on 19 February 2021. The system will be accessible from 19 February 2021 to 5 March 2021.

4. School candidates who are eligible for SingPass1 can use their SingPass account to access SEAB’s online results release system. School candidates who are International Students can access the results release system using the SEAB-issued PIN sent to their email addresses which their schools had provided to SEAB.

5. School candidates can also appoint a proxy to collect a physical copy of their results on their behalf. Proxies are required to collect the results by Tuesday, 23 February 2021, and produce the relevant documents for the school’s verification. School candidates may contact their schools for assistance if they are unable to appoint a proxy, or if they have not received their password for SEAB’s results release system.

Results Release for Private Candidates

6. Private candidates will be notified of their individual results by post. The result slips will be mailed on 19 February 2021 to the address that private candidates had provided to SEAB. Private candidates who are eligible for SingPass can also use their SingPass account to obtain their results online via SEAB’s online results release system, similar to the arrangement for school candidates. Private candidates who are non-SingPass holders can use the SEAB-issued PIN sent to their email addresses which they had provided to SEAB.

Applications to Autonomous Universities

7. Students who wish to apply for admissions and/or scholarships to the Autonomous Universities (AUs) are encouraged to submit their applications online. All school candidates who apply to the AUs online do not need to submit a hard copy of their A-Level certificates. More information on the AUs’ admissions processes can be found on their respective websites, and applicants can approach the AUs directly for further clarifications.

Education and Career Guidance (ECG)

8. Students who would like guidance on their education options can approach their teachers or the ECG Counsellors supporting their schools. Students can also refer to the interactive MySkillsFuture portal at to find out more about the education options, career pathways and courses that are available to them.

9. To complement the ECG services provided by schools, students can make an appointment for online or phone counselling with an ECG Counsellor from the ECG Centre at MOE (Grange Road) via the e-Appointment system at, calling the ECG hotline at 6831 1420, or emailing The MOE ECG Centre will offer online or phone counselling from 15 February to 19 March 2021, 9.00am to 5.00pm (Saturdays: 9.00am to 12.30pm).

1 Candidates can visit the SingPass website at to find out if they are eligible for SingPass.