N(T)-Level Syllabuses Examined in 2025

Here are the 2025 GCE N(T)-Level examination syllabuses that are offered to private candidates.

For syllabuses that have been revised, the specimen papers are available on the website for three years, including the year of posting. We seek your understanding that some items / images / resources may not be available in these online specimen papers, due to copyright restrictions. In such cases, a description of the item / image / resource, and/or a web-link may be provided. The full specimen paper, in printed format, may be purchased from SEAB.

From 2017, certain papers of selected GCE N(T)-Level subjects will be conducted in the e-Examination format (for example, e-Oral).

The subjects are as follows:

Subject TitleSubject CodePaper
English Language Syllabus T11954
Basic Chinese12022
Basic Malay12032
Basic Tamil12042

Online Tutorial for Mother Tongue Language e-Oral examination to understand the revised examination format.

Cambridge Subjects

Subject TitleLanguage MediumSubject CodeSpecimen Papers for
Revised Syllabus
[Year of Posting]
English Language Syllabus T English1195-
Mathematics Syllabus TEnglish4046-

Local Subjects

Subject TitleLanguage MediumSubject CodeSpecimen Papers for
Revised Syllabus
[Year of Posting]
Basic Chinese
Chinese1202Paper 1
Paper 2
Paper 3 LC
Paper 3 Oral
Basic Malay

Paper 1
Paper 2
Paper 3 LC
Paper 3 Oral

Basic Tamil

Paper 1
Paper 2
Paper 3 LC
Paper 3 Oral

Science Syllabus T English5148

Paper 1
Paper 2
Video Clip
Animation Clip