2025 GCE Ordinary Level Syllabuses Examined for Private Candidates
Here are the 2025 GCE O-Level examination syllabuses that are offered to private candidates:
For syllabuses that have been revised, the specimen papers are available on the website for three years, including the year of posting. We seek your understanding that some items / images / resources may not be available in these online specimen papers, due to copyright restrictions. In such cases, a description of the item / image / resource, and/or a web-link may be provided. The full specimen paper, in printed format, may be purchased from SEAB.
From 2017, certain papers of selected GCE O-Level subjects will be conducted in the e-Examination format (for example, e-Oral). These subjects are as follows:
Subject Title |
Subject Code |
Paper |
English |
1184 |
4 |
Chinese |
1160 |
3 |
Malay |
1148 |
3 |
Tamil |
1157 |
3 |
Higher Chinese |
1116 |
3 |
Higher Malay |
1117 |
3 |
Higher Tamil |
1147 |
3 |
Online Tutorial for Mother Tongue Language and Higher Mother Tongue Language e-Oral examination to understand the revised examination format.
Cambridge Subjects
Subject Title |
Language Medium |
Subject Code |
Specimen Papers for
English |
1184 |
- |
English |
2065 |
- |
English |
2174 |
English |
2260 |
English |
2261 |
English |
2262 |
Paper 1
English |
2279 |
English |
2286 |
- |
Spanish |
3034 |
- |
Hindi |
3194 |
- |
Urdu |
3196 |
- |
Gujarati |
3199 |
- |
Panjabi |
3203 |
- |
Bengali |
3215 |
- |
Burmese |
3249 |
- |
Thai |
3260 |
- |
French |
3917 |
- |
German |
3918 |
- |
Japanese |
3919 |
- |
English |
4049 |
- |
English |
4052 |
- |
English |
5086 |
English |
5087 |
English |
5088 |
English |
6091 |
English |
6092 |
English |
6093 |
English |
7085 |
- |
Principles of Accounts
English |
7087 |
Computing [Revised]
English |
7155 |
^ Change is to response format for Paper 2. The new response format requires candidates to write answers on the question paper.
Local Subjects
Subject Title |
Language Medium |
Subject Code |
Specimen Papers
Chinese |
1116 |
Chinese |
1160 |
Paper 1
Chinese |
2031 |
- |
Malay |
1117 |
Malay |
1148 |
Paper 1
Malay |
2032 |
- |
Islamic Religious Knowledge
Malay |
2080 |
- |
Arabic |
3186 |
- |
Tamil |
1147 |
Tamil |
1157 |
Paper 1
Tamil |
2033 |
- |
English |
2263 |
Paper 1
English |
2264 |
Paper 1
English |
2265 |
Paper 1
Singapore Citizens and Singapore Permanent Residents who would like to register for Mother Tongue Language Syllabus B can write to SEAB with their request.